I must say, that i'm going topost pone working on the book, for i will not show anyone thenothing ness that in my book. the story needs wrk anyway. BUT< ido have some art up finally, even ifthey are a few years old, drew them when i was 10 or 11. At lest i got art, for the most part. I still got work, . . . and High scchool to graduate. but thats simple to finnish so far. next year will be a chalange, but i will fight throiugh the challenges called life. Sasha, take a look at my art, please. i'd like a review. You too, DMatakami. So long, and post later. FURRY POWER! SPACE WOLVES RULE! AND POWER TO THE WOLF! out.
Awwww that sucks. Can't wait to see your current, up to date art.
Wolvencheiftan1993 (Updated )
As a jew, i must shake this mashogana off, and keep tredding on. &<=3
It could be worse, i could be dead.