BUT SERRIOUSLY, i'm back for know. i'll be off and on every once in a while. But i'm here to post some pictures and get a certain some one to stop bugging me, EVEN though that'll never happen. SO< i say hello and listen to the rumers from th eoutside world. I have a new self portrate, that i decided to use the Balto art style, because BALTO IS AWSOME! THe pictures to the left are temporary till i can make some other ones. tho top one i found on d-art by idk. and the other one is a snapshot from Balto.
(i am having some technical dificulty with picture size so this might take some time . . . DAMNIT!)
It looks very good. You are quite talented. I await more work :)
Wolvencheiftan1993 (Updated )
I have more posts on Deviant Art {WolvenChief}. I'll be puting them on here soon.